Monday, September 28, 2009

The Most Popular Parrot (the yellow parrot)

It's funny how we refer to the yellow headed Amazon parrot as yellow parrots when in fact they are mostly green. The yellow part of the parrots we refer to is in fact the crest on its head and around the face. When we talk about yellow parrots there are many sizes and species, in this case we are talking about the star of yellow parrots. The yellow headed Amazon parrot.

They are a marvelous talker to be only outdone by the African Grey. Obviously the ability to talk comes down to the individual bird.

The yellow headed Amazon parrot is known to come in about 27 subspecies. In the wild they are considered to be an endangered species and are known to be in the wild throughout most parts of South America, the Caribbean, and parts of North America. Unfortunately they become an endangered species because of the popularity as a pet. Therefore, smugglers tend to target these wonderful birds in the wild and it is believed that as many as 90% of the birds perish before they reach pet shops.

Whereas the largest of all parrots is the Hyacinth macaw of South America, the star has to be the yellow headed Amazon. This wonderful parrot became known to the world from the time of Christopher Columbus. They apparently most commonly see in movies and on TV because of their wonderful abilities as a talker and brilliant mimic as well as their gorgeous colours. They are like the star of the parrot world.

Parrots are quite demanding as a pet any time, the yellow headed Amazon is more demanding than most. They are as intelligent as a three-year-old child and like any child if they don't get what they want they are certainly known to throw a tantrum. And only demand attention and love this particular parrot requires plenty of room to move about and play.

The best type setup for the parrot of this size and temperament is to have a large aviary or even better a large cage in a room large enough that they can step out to fly and play. They certainly need to be exercised every day.

Like all stars yellow parrots can have a tendency to over indulge. They love food and have a tendency to become well ... overweight. If they get bored and don't have enough toys and activities to keep them entertained they will eat out of boredom. It is strongly recommended you provide your Amazon with a balanced diet of fresh natural foods including things like a good mix of vegetables and fruits and mixed parrot seed.

Amazon parrots make wonderful pets but they are certainly not for the inexperienced. They require the attention and handling of someone who has been around parrots were some time. They can be temperamental and are known to be quite destructive. On the other hand with training and lots of activity they can be an absolute joy. They love lots of variety in their toys, food and environment. To put lots of things in their cages such as branches, leaves, wooden toys, freshwater, and fresh colourful food.

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Another Information

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