Monday, September 28, 2009

Important Signs and Symptoms of Feline Urinary Tract Infection

Feline urinary tract symptoms of disorders or problems are harder to spot compared to dogs. Apparently, cats are more capable of tolerating pain compared to dogs. Mot of the time, our pet cats will continuously purr and eat even when they're suffering from urinary-tract disorder. Nonetheless, there are a number of feline urinary-tract symptoms of disorders that are easily observable in cats suffering from urinary tract problems. What owners must remember is that some simple changes in their cats' attitude and behavior are possible signs of urinary tract disorders.

So what exactly are these feline urinary-tract symptoms of disorders or medical problems?

One of the most common symptoms of feline urinary tract disorders is the sudden change in your cat's urinating pattern. A cat suffering from urinary-tract disorder urinates frequently, most of the time with little or no urine at all.

This initial symptom means that there are problems concerning your cat's excretory system. Other feline urinary tract symptoms of possible urinary tract problems include the presence of blood in the urine, and sometimes the sudden loss of bladder control. Some pet owners start noticing that there is a problem with their pets when the cats start urinating on different places, and stop using their litter boxes. There is also a probability of urinary tract problem if the cat continuously grooms its genitals.

Urinary tract disorders normally affects male cats, however, female cats are not exempted from having these medical problems. Once you notice the presence of these symptoms, you must consult a veterinarian on what you should do. At the clinic, the veterinarian will most probably suggest a urine analysis to know the problem.

Since most of the cats' urinary-tract disorders show same signs and symptoms, urinalysis is the best way to definitively know what the exact problem is. Most of the time, simple infections are the causes of the symptoms. However, in cases, a more serious underlying disease may be the cause of the symptoms, diseases that would need immediate medical attention.

In most urinary-tract problems of cats, the usual suspects are infections caused by bacteria. These bacteria (usually Escherichia coli) develop in the bladder after it was filtered by the kidney from the blood. Yes, the bacteria that cause urinary-tract infection come from the blood. These bacteria, actually, is ingested by the animal, and then absorbed by the intestines, get into the bloodstream, and then filtered by the kidneys. Instead of being excreted, these bacteria develop and grow in the kidneys and cause urinary-tract infection.

Urinary tract infection caused by bacteria is also one of the initial signs that the animal's immune system is weakening. Veterinarians usually prescribe antibiotics to solve urinary-tract infections caused by bacteria.

Other more serious cases of urinary-tract disorders may include the presence of tumor or a blockage in the urethra. These problems are most of the time fatal if medical attention is not given immediately. Several solutions, surgery being one of them, can cure these disorders.

Apparently, all types of feline urinary-tract symptoms of disorders are caused by improper diet and unhealthy lifestyle. To prevent your cat from acquiring it, you must always give them what is good for them. Not only will you prevent them from having urinary-tract disorders but also other illnesses like some forms of bowel problems.

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Another Information

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