Monday, September 28, 2009

How to Choose a Doggie Daycare Program

A well-run Doggie Daycare program can be a wonderful way for your furry friend to spend the day! In addition to being socialized with other dogs, your companion will come home tired at the end of the day and be ready to spend a relaxing evening with you. As the old saying goes: "a tired dog is a well-behaved dog." But, it is important to find the right program for your canine - preferably one that follows recommended guidelines, but also one where your best buddy feels at home. So, how do you find a good program in your area? Start by asking some important questions!

First, you should be able to tour the facility and see the program in operation. Any facility that does not permit guided tours is probably hiding something - whether it's unsanitary conditions or poor treatment of pets, a refusal to see the premises should raise a lot of concerns. Ideally, you should be able to tour without an appointment - meaning that someone should be willing to show you around without notice (much like you would investigate a children's daycare) during regular business hours. Check to see that there are large and well-maintained areas for your pets to play in, and ask about how long your pet will be playing with others, what the rest periods are like throughout the day, if and for how long they may get to play outside versus indoors.

Ask about staff-to-dog ratio, too - you want to make sure that there is adequate and well-trained staff to handle the number of dogs! One recommended guideline is no more than twelve dogs per counselor, but this may vary depending on the program. Daycares that have a standing reservation system, where the same dogs tend to come on the same day(s) each week and everyone knows the dogs well, may require fewer staff than programs that can have different dogs at any given time. Dogs who play together regularly will generally form a more predictable and cohesive pack than dogs who may be with different canine friends every day.

Second, ask about the program's requirements. A well-run Doggie Daycare facility will probably require that pets be spayed or neutered (to prevent any hormone-based bad behavior), be current on vaccinations (the exact vaccination requirements may vary depending on the facility and the area of the country - but should at least require rabies, distemper combo, and bordetella) and be on regular flea and tick control regimens. Many high quality facilities will also have age and health limitations.

A reputable Doggie Daycare program should also require all participating dogs to undergo a temperament evaluation, where trained staff will evaluate your pet's behavior and interaction with other daycare participants to ensure that he or she is exhibiting appropriate dog play skills and manners. They will assess whether your pet is perhaps too dominant or immature to be a good candidate, or should also tell you if your pet really doesn't enjoy the various aspects of group play.

Some dogs may just prefer their people to being with other canines! They should have a policy that all participants are always on probation - so that if anyone acts up (whether with other pets or with staff) too often or with any severity, they may be removed from the program to keep things safe and enjoyable for everyone else. They may also offer options such as working with a facility trainer to help Fido with any behavior or adjustment issues.

Many first-rate facilities will offer different programs depending on the size of the dog (the little guys may have their own individual programs), temperament (heavy play "ball dogs" versus those who prefer more cuddling and just hanging out) and/or age. They should have areas available for "time outs", for furry kids who misbehave and may need a temporary break from the action.

Finally, judge the facility by the people you meet! Staff and facilities that truly care about pets should greet each and every pet in a friendly way - and for many facilities with well-trained and dog-loving staffs, don't be surprised if they greet your canine companion before they greet you!

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Another Information

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