Monday, September 28, 2009

how to adapt the cat to sleep in a specific place

Must be the place quiet and warm in winter and away from air currents and can sleep when cats. This can be in the vicinity of the bedrooms, or between the pieces of furniture, of course, everyone is back from you all as the place where he lives.

After the election of the village is in the pipeline or put a basket of the Sabbath, or even cardboard boxes with thick and equipped to serve as a nest of her own, so the cat can easily make one-off and handed him to a place outside the nest see in a convenient location accessible to the place where food and beverages and the Fund, the issuance of such baskets. If you are a vehicle small children, an ideal bed for your cat. Or like a court, which will give birth to cats.

Should not happen at once, but gradually getting used primarily from getting even for cats

Must be met if the cat equivalent Amrak and in its place the ad hoc Barzaek and advice and speak softly to him and feed him what he wants to sleep penalty associated with this behavior until you Bnovernm at this location.

Are closed in case of the sleeping cat in this city and his own satisfaction with his having the reasons for the former bedroom, and may not be a cat or sleeping, until we prove otherwise used to sleep outside.

VI: be prepared basket or inside of the box mattress are clean and warm, they are exposed to the sun, whenever possible, to get rid of fungus or material excreted by the cat during sleep

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Another Information

GPS Control Segment is the first GPS support with many stations to support GPS. Including Falcon Air Force, Diego Garcia and Kwajalein Colorado Springs, Ascension Island, and Hawaii. all the stations are the eyes and ears for the which GPS can be operated by the controller GPS. All the signals emitted by the satellites continue to be received and Inspected by the GPS control section and then sent back satellites are then sent back by the satellites to the tracker / tracking roomates users have.GPS Space Segment satellite is a very large network consisting of many circular orbit with an altitude of 20 183 km above the earth's surface.
The GPS satellite signals can pass through clouds and plastic but glass particles have a very small and invisible to the eye that can not be seen with the naked eye. But the GPS signals can not penetrate solid particles such as walls, therefore if we find a disruption of GPS signals as Pone hand in trying to be outside the building density is very tight. GPS User Segment is the the data from the satellite receiver via a radio signal that is filtered first by the GPS control section the which consists of an antenna and a receiver processor speed and punctuality with fast, precise and accurate.
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